Conversación con Enrique Semo
Esthela Gutiérrez Garza
angustia escribir, porque siempre que lee un texto después
de publicado, siente que pudo ser mejor; le apasionan los datos,
no para almacenarlos simplemente, sino para interpretarlos; tiene
ante sí muchas preguntas, no tanto las que se hace a sí
mismo, como las que hereda; considera que el intelectual debe
sentir una necesidad avasalladora de tomar posición ante
los hechos de su tiempo
Así se van desgranando en
esta entrevista la personalidad y las pasiones de un hombre cuya
mejor herencia es el pensamiento.
A conversation with Enrique Semo
Esthela Gutierrez Garza
causes him anxiety because when he reads a publication of his
work he feels it could have been improved; he is passionate about
gathering data, not only for storage, but for the purpose of interpreting
them. He faces many questions, not only those he makes himself,
but those he inherits; he feels that intellectuals should feel
an overwhelming need to take a stand regarding the developments
of their times
It is thus that this interview gradually
unfolds the personality and passions of a man whose best legacy
is the thought.
Mexican garment industry in terms of its relation with the global
trend and a growing adoption of informal economy approaches by
entrepreneurs and workers. The author further ventures a number
of useful suggestions to develop a more appropriate concept of
this informality.